Monthly Archives: February 2024

Places of Peace

When was the last time you went to a place simply to find peace? When was the last time you got away from the chaos of every day life and took the time and space to just breathe and find some rest for your soul?

place of peace

Biblical Examples

I believe God uses places in our lives for times of rest and renewal. Look at these examples from the Bible.

Jesus went to a mountain.

Elijah was hidden away in a ravine.

Moses was sent to a desert.

David turned to the hills.

Paul spent three years in the desert.

Jacob was out under the stars when God gave him a vision.

In each of these cases, God prepared a place for his people to stop, rest, and take a moment away. It’s funny to note how each of these places of healing and peace are so vastly different. From a desert to a ravine to a night under the stars, God used these places to help heal his people. And often, he used it as a time to prepare them for what was coming next.

For Elijah, it came before his showdown with the prophets of Baal. Moses spent forty years in the desert before God used him to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt. Paul spent time in the desert before his ministry really got going. God often uses these times of obscurity before he moves us into the next phase of what he has for us.

Sometimes, though, these places were a continual source of peace. Jesus often got up early and went out to a mountaintop to pray and receive strength for the ministry ahead. David would turn frequently “to the hills” or to creation to find peace and solitude.

A Change of Place

There is something about a change of place that can change our thinking. It can encourage us, give us motivation to keep going. Often, it can give us inspiration to think through something new—a new concept, a new dream. It’s a time when we’re open to change. Our minds are not quite as full, and God can use that time to show us something new.

I can look back so many times in our lives when God used a place to find rest and peace and strength for the journey ahead. It’s been in these places of peace that God has often showed us the next step. Maybe it’s as simple as a change of schedule we need to make or a new ministry to start. Other times, it’s been something much bigger—a move, a change of direction, a new stage of life.

When we are so busy with every-day life, it’s pretty hard to pull out and look at your life. It’s hard to see what God would have you do differently or change. It’s when we go to these places of peace that we can find rest and the time to be able to mentally process what God is doing, how he’s working.

Places of Peace

There are so many places of peace. Here are some of the places God has used in our lives over the years. Some of them seem so simple or even slightly ridiculous. Yet, God has used each of these places and spaces to work in our lives. It’s a twenty-five hour car ride across the country in which God has shown us that it’s time to move. It’s a quiet coffee house, sitting across from each other that we dream and talk about what we believe God wants us to do next.

  1. a coffee shop
  2. a lake
  3. a hotel room
  4. a rental house
  5. a book store
  6. a car ride
  7. a sunset
  8. an early morning at the beach
  9. a walk on a trail through the woods
  10. a nice restaurant

Sometimes, it’s been a simple coffee shop. Other times, it’s been a few days in a private room in the middle of Amish country. In each of these cases, God has prepared a place for us to get away, find rest, and find renewal.

Coffeeshop in Lancaster

There’s a coffee shop in Amish country here in Pennsylvania that is a place of peace for us. It’s a bright, sunny, wide-open space with exposed wood beams, a fireplace, and beautiful hand-crafted tables. There’s always quiet music playing, and there’s sort of a reverent hush in the shop. They also sell gluten free scones and have amazing coffee, so it’s pretty much a win-win for us. But it’s in this coffee shop that we often take journals and sometimes our Bibles. We sit in the quiet with a good coffee and the sun warming us through the large windowpanes and talk and dream about what God has next.

The Beach

Another place for us is the beach. We rent a house near the beach once a year with Matt’s family. Every morning, Matt and I get up early and walk over to the beach to see the sunrise. Every morning. Why? Because that’s a place where we feel peace; we feel God’s presence. We don’t usually talk while we watch the sun come up; it’s this experience of awe and amazement as you watch the sky change with the colors of predawn that all culminate in that moment the sun breaks through the horizon.

After that, we often take a long walk to a coffee shop to grab a coffee and continue the walk back to the house. We use that time to connect, to talk about how things are going, to talk about what’s next.

Time Away

When was the last time you found a place of peace? A place to get away, to take a break from everything you’re used to, and to find a new place. It’s often in a new place that God shakes us up and shows us something we’ve been searching for.

If you feel like your life is confusing right now; if you can’t make sense of life…maybe it’s time for a change of place just for a little bit. It doesn’t mean you have to move right now, although God could be pushing you in that direction. Often, we get too busy in the pressure of every day life—our jobs, housework, the kids, church and ministry, taxes, bills, endless meal planning, laundry, co-workers, neighbors…On and on the list goes. It’s not until we get away from it all in a quiet place that God can get ahold of us and really begin to show us what he has in store for us.

Where are your places of peace?

More Encouragement

For more encouragement, check out my post Our Colorado Trip and the Ark Encounter to read about what this looks like in real time.

Freedom from the Shame that Says I’m Not Enough

Struggling with Shame

I am convinced that there is one thing that keeps us back from accomplishing what God wants us to do with our lives, more than anything else. This one thing has stopped people from dreaming, from fulfilling God’s plan for their lives, from doing something great with God. What is it? SHAME.

I think that we, as women, struggle with shame so much. We get to the point that we don’t even realize how much it weighs us down because we are so used to carrying it around. It simply becomes part of our every day load. Yet, God never intended for us to carry around guilt all the time. That is totally on us.

God’s Forgiveness

When God chose to forgive us, he did so not because we deserved it. He forgave us because of His mercy and kindness and love. He gave us new life through His spirit.

When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit. He generously poured out the Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Because of his grace he made us right in his sight and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life.

Titus 3:4-7 NLT

So why do we choose to live in the guilt and shame of our past and sometimes present mistakes. Why do we convince ourselves that we aren’t enough? Why do we live in the shame and guilt of not enough?

I’m not doing enough.

I’m not a good enough mom.

I am not trying hard enough.

My kids deserve better.

My spouse deserves better.

I will never be more than this.

Flip the Script

We let our shame define us and define who we are, instead of letting God define who we are. We have to flip the script and personalize God’s truth.

I am a child of the most High God.

God created me perfectly and wonderfully.

God has adopted me, making me his family.

God loves me with unfailing love.

His mercy is fresh and available every single morning.

We have to change our thinking. We can’t allow negative thoughts to just swirl around in our heads all day long. Instead, we need to replace those negative thoughts of shame with truth. Paul explains that it’s like taking each thought captive.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

II Corinthians 10:5 NLT

When you feel those feelings of shame and not enough begin to creep up, choose to replace them with truth. Often those feelings come late at night, when everybody’s in bed, and it’s hard to sleep. That’s when we need to have a thought or a verse ready to think about.

More Encouragement

For more encouragement, check out my husband’s book, Unmasked: Overcoming the Shame that Says You’re Not Enough. Or check out my post, Offering Grace When I want to Offer Shame.

Jumpstart Your Morning Time Routine

morning time routine

Morning Time Routine Reboot

We are full-on into this new year. This is a great time to start or re-boot your morning time routine. A morning time routine is simply the words I use to describe the time you set aside every morning to spend with God. For me, this time includes my Bible reading, prayer time, and a few other things.

One of the things I hear over and over again from women is that they know they need to spend time with God each day, and they want to, but they just don’t. It can be hard to get started, but it’s like anything else. Once you commit to it, and develop the habit of it, it gets a whole lot easier. I want to share with you the routine I use every single morning. Use it to give you some ideas; then go out and create your own morning time routine that works for you.

My Morning Time Routine

1.Light a candle

The first thing I do every morning when I come downstairs is to light a candle. It sets the mood for the morning and creates the ambiance I’m looking for—that special feeling/knowing that this is going to be a relaxing, calming time. Some of the best places to get candles for a good price are T.J. Max, Kirkland’s, and Bath and Body Works.

2. Make coffee

The next thing I do is head to the kitchen to make myself an iced coffee with lots of whipped cream. This helps me to wake up fully, and it gives me something to look forward to before I come downstairs. Some of my favorite coffees (k-cups) are Cinnabon, peanut butter, and blueberry.

3. Pick a colored pen

For me, it’s the small things that add up that make my morning time something I look forward to. I have a cup of colored gel pens that sits on my table that I pull from each morning. I also love paper mate colored pens for journaling.

4. Journal

I open my journal and work through the prayer section of my journal. The Faithfully Stepping Journal that I’ve created has a section for gratitude, confession, and requests. I work through each of those. You can do the same thing in a regular notebook or journal. Then I’m ready to go on to the next part of my morning time.

5. Read my Bible or a Devotional

I read my Bible next; you can also read a devotional. We have several 30-Day Devotionals if you need a good devotional. If you don’t know where to start, I usually recomend starting in the book of John or the book of Psalms; or choose a devotional. Some people get tied up on this step. Keep it simple. If you read a devotional, just do the application questions at the end of the devotional for the day. If you are reading the Bible, simply write in your journal what stood out to you or what encouraged you. When you write it down, it will stay with you much longer throughout the day.

6. Read a book

Once I’m done with my Bible reading and prayer time and journaling, I spend at least ten minutes reading a good book. This can be inspirational, Christian, entrepreneurial, etc. Just read something that is going to enhance your life. Matt and I are avid readers and believe reading can help us grow in so many areas of life!

7. To-Do List

Lastly, I spend just a few minute writing down my to do list for the day. This is a simple thing I started doing several years ago that increases my productivity throughout the day so much! I use the spiral notebook system. It’s fast, easy, simple, and cheap. But use whatever works for you!

That’s what I do. Now, take those ideas and create a morning time routine that works for you that you love! Let me know how it goes for you!

More Encouragement

For more on this topic, check out my morning time routine course or read Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning.