Monthly Archives: August 2020

Fresh Hope for a Burned-Out Life

verse image

Have you ever been in a place where you felt so broken-hearted you couldn’t function? You feel so burned-out and discouraged that it doesn’t feel like you will ever be happy again? Do you need fresh hope to be able to move forward again?

Over the last few months, several ladies have told me that they feel this way. I get it. I’ve been there. When we went through our tough season about two years ago, I had days where I just didn’t feel like I could go on. You can read about our story HERE. The great news is that we’re not alone. We find Hannah from I Samuel in this exact situation.

Hannah’s Heartbreak

Hannah so desperately wanted a baby, but she was infertile. The Bible says she was “crushed in soul” in one Bible version and “in bitterness of soul” in another version. Both of those descriptions give us an idea of how she was handling this hardship.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, her husband’s second wife is extremely fertile and relentlessly taunts her. Can you imagine? It’s one thing to be in pain, but to have someone else mock you while you’re in pain? That’s terrible! Hannah uses these words to describe herself- desperately unhappy and in such pain

Hannah and her husband and his other wife head to Shiloh to worship God. While there, Hannah is so broken-hearted that she can’t eat. She decides to go into the temple and spend some time alone, praying. 

The priest sees her and talks to her. She tells him about her pain. He tells her that God hears her prayer, and may God grant her her request.

Hannah’s Change of Heart

Don’t miss this next part. Hannah heads back to where everyone is eating dinner and eats heartily. The Bible says her countenance changed; she was no longer sad. Why? Why did her countenance change? Because she left her burden with God. She trusted Him to provide for her and to give her her heart’s desire. What incredible faith!

Before the end of the year, Hannah gave birth to a son. She called him Samuel. After Samuel grew old enough to take care of himself, she took her son back to the temple to serve God as she had promised God she would do. Samuel went on to be an incredible prophet for the people of God.

Fresh Hope

After Hannah gives birth to a baby boy, she says these words: “God rekindles burned-out lives with fresh hope.” (I Samuel 2:6 MSG) I love this verse. Only God can take a burned-out life and fill it with fresh hope.

What can we learn from Hannah’s example? How did Hannah go from “bitterness of soul” to being filled with peace and no longer being sad? How do you go from feeling burned-out to being filled with fresh hope?

I believe there are five things Hannah did that we can also do to find fresh hope.

1. Find a place where you can be alone.

When the pain is too intense, sometimes the best thing we can do is find a time to be alone. Hannah got up from the dinner and went into the temple, alone to pray. Where can you find a place to be alone?

  • Get up early, before anybody else gets out of bed.
  • Go to a coffee shop.
  • Take a drive by yourself.
  • Go to the park.

2. Find a place away from your normal place.

Sometimes we need to find a place that gets us away from the distractions all around us. Hannah didn’t find hope in her home; she found it when she went into the temple.

  • Get out of town; go somewhere to get away from the distractions at home.
  • Find a quiet place to sit at the beach or by water to be able to sit and reflect.
  • Find a place that brings you peace.

3. Pour out your heart to God.

Hannah wept before God and poured out her heart to Him.

  • Once you’re alone and away from where you normally spend time, talk to God about what you’re going through.
  • Write out your feelings, fears, and hurts to God in a journal.

4. Leave Your Burdens with God.

Hannah wept and prayed. Then she dried her tears and prepared to go back to dinner. She no longer carried her heavy burden.

  • I Peter 5:7 says, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (KJV) God wants us to give our burden to Him and leave it with Him.
  • We weren’t made to carry our own burdens. Give it over to God and let Him worry about it for you.
  • Trust that He is going to come through for you.

5. Praise Him.

The entire second chapter of I Samuel is Hannah’s praise to God. She can’t get over how God answered her prayer and came through on her behalf.

  • When God comes through, praise Him.
  • Tell others about what God has done for you.
  • Write it down in a journal, so you don’t forget God’s goodness to you.

If we follow Hannah’s example through these five steps, we can find fresh hope for our burned-out life. We can leave our burden with God and fully trust that He will come through on our behalf.

morning basket

Creating a Morning Time Routine You Love

How you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.

Lemony Snicket

Mornings, I believe, are the most important part of our day. We can learn to leverage our mornings to give us the best start to our day possible. I believe the answer to a great morning is to develop a morning time routine you love.

Creating a Morning Time Routine

1. Get Up Early

This is by far the most important step. Getting up early is different for everybody, and it looks different in different stages of life. For now, let’s say getting up early is getting up at least thirty minutes before your kids get out of bed or thirty minutes before you start your regular day.

There is something special about getting up early. I have never regretted the mornings I get up early. The quiet hours in the morning before everyone else wakes up are what I call the magic hours. I love the peace and quiet with quiet music playing and my candle burning. I love seeing the sun come up. Where I live in the city, I can’t see the sunrise each morning, but I can watch as light begins to appear.

“The time just before dawn contains the most energy of all hours of the day. This has helped me become an early riser and an early doer…. When I wake to see that it’s light out already, I feel the world has started without me.”

Terri Guillemets

“The difference between rising at five and seven o’clock in the morning for 40 years, supposed a man to go to bed at the same hour at night is nearly equivalent to the addition of ten years to a man’s life.”

Philip Doddridge

During the school year, I get up really early because once my kids get up, we start school and I am busy the rest of the day. The hours I spend in the morning before my kids get up are the most productive hours of my day.

No one but you can decide what time you should get up in the morning. If this is something you struggle with, start small. Start with getting up just thirty minutes before your kids get up or before you get ready for work. Once that becomes easy, try adding another fifteen minutes. Keep adding fifteen minute segments until you reach your goal time.

A great book recommendation is Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning.

2. Light a Candle

The first thing I do when I come downstairs in the morning is to light a candle. My favorite candles for years have always been Bath and Body Candles. I wait until they are on sale, then pair them with a twenty percent off coupon. The best sale of the year is Candle Day in December. It’s estimated to be December 5th this year. Candles are at their lowest price on this day. You can buy up to 15 candles.

My friend, Keya, started Masterpiece Candles Co this year. So I’ve been using her candles as well. She just came out with her fall line of candles. I can’t wait to order some!

Masterpiece Candles

Lighting a candle with a scent you love creates the perfect background for a good morning time.

3. Make a Cup of Coffee

I love a little bit of coffee with my french vanilla creamer in the morning! Being a creature of habit, I pretty much make the same kind of coffee every morning. I usually make a cup of Wawa decaf coffee and put in French Vanilla creamer. My favorite creamer is Wawa’s French Vanilla creamer. My second favorite is Coffee Mate French Vanilla creamer. In the fall, I switch to decaf pumpkin coffee if we can find it. (I get headaches from caffeine, hence the decaf.)

4. Turn on Music

Matt likes to turn on worship music first thing in the morning. So usually, that’s what we listen to. If it’s just me in the morning, I usually listen to quiet piano music.

My Morning Basket

My Morning Time Basket

1. My Bible

This is pretty easy. You need a Bible that you love. Pick whatever version you are most comfortable with. Pick one that’s pretty. There are so many beautiful and fun Bibles to choose from nowadays that don’t cost a lot.

2. My Journal

My Faithfully Stepping Journals

Any journal will do. I used to use journals from the dollar store or Hobby Lobby. You can easily do that. Or you can order one of my Faithfully Stepping Journals, available on Amazon. The process is the same, whether you use one of my journals or your own.

  • Prayer Time
    • Gratitude
    • Confession
    • Requests
  • Bible Reading
    • Write down what you read for the day
    • Write down any verse or thoughts that stand out to you or encourage you

I’ve included a picture for reference. If you use a regular journal, just follow these same steps.

Inside the Faithfully Stepping Journal

3. A Book

I always read at least a few pages in whatever book I am currently reading after I finish my Bible reading, journaling, and prayer time. Currently, I am reading three books. I just about finished reading You Are the Girl for the Job by Jess Connolly. I’m loving it. I am also reading Boss Up by Lindsay Teague Moreno and Love Lives Here by Maria Goff. (I left that book up on my nightstand so it missed the picture.)

4. My Planner

After I finish reading a few pages of my book, I write down what I need to accomplish for the day. The days I write down my goals for the day are so much more productive than the days I don’t. I love being able to cross things I accomplish off my list!

I use different planners every year. The one I am currently using is from Walmart. If you want to spend a little more, Erin Condren’s planners are great. You can customize them and get them personalized. I got Matt one with his name on it last year for Christmas. He’s already asked for one for this Christmas. He tells me all the time that it’s his favorite.

5. My Dream Journal

I always have a journal that I keep in my basket to write down goals, dreams, ideas, and more. You never know when an idea is going to hit you, so I keep it in my basket. I use it at the beginning of the year to write my goals for the year. Then I check it periodically throughout the year to see how I’m doing.

6. Pens

It sounds obvious, but having pens is important. There is nothing worse than sitting down and not having a pen to write with. My favorite pens for journaling are papermate colored-ink pens.

7. A Basket

Last but not least, I have found the easiest way to keep track of all my supplies for my morning time routine is to keep them in a basket. I keep buying the same pink and white chevron basket from Hobby Lobby because I love it.

Here’s all my materials spread out

Creating a morning time basket is fun. I love getting new books and supplies for mine. It’s also a really easy way to start developing a morning time routine. It makes the time more enjoyable and something to look forward to. This is the best time to develop a morning time routine because Fall Mornings Make the Best Mornings.

Creating and Implementing a morning time routine you love will be the best thing you’ve ever done. Give it a try and see if it doesn’t turn around your entire day!

waves crashing

Getting Through What You’re Going Through + Free Download

Everybody Is Going Through Something

With all that’s going on around us, I think it’s pretty safe to say that everybody is dealing with something right now. Pretty much all of us need help with getting through what we’re going through. Where do we find the help we need? How do we find the strength to get through?

What is it that gets us through difficult times? It’s our faith.

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. I John 5:4 KJV

Faith is the Answer

Our faith is what gets us through difficult times. The writer of Hebrews tells us that our faith (our trust in God) is the very foundation for what makes our lives worth living. Without faith, there is no hope in this life.

The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. Hebrews 11:1 MSG

How Do We Grow Our Faith?

Faith is simply our trust in God and how we handle what we can’t see. Our faith is what gets us through; but if our faith is weak, we are weak. So how do we strengthen our faith?

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 KJV

If we want to increase our faith, we have to get more of God’s Word into our lives. We can do that in three simple ways.

1. Develop a Consistent Morning Time Routine.

Spend time with God each and every morning in prayer, Bible reading, and journaling. I do this each morning as a part of my morning time routine. Our morning sets the tone for our entire day.

2. Fill Your Mind With Good and God.

One of the best ways to develop our faith is by reading good books and listening to podcasts. You can find a list of books I recommend and podcasts that I listen to by clicking here.

3. Study Scripture.

A great way to get our focus off of the problems around us is to focus on God’s Word. The resource below is a great place to start. There are 60 verses for 13 topics such as forgiveness, worry, anger, waiting, and more. You can download a free copy by simply clicking the link below.

These steps may be simple, but we can spend a lifetime doing them. When we develop a daily morning time with God, fill our minds with good books and podcasts, and focus on thinking more on God’s Word, we will begin to grow our faith. That’s how we will be able to get through what we are going through.

When Problems Disrupt Our Lives

When Problems Disrupt Our Lives

Sometimes as Christians, we fall into the trap of thinking that nothing bad will happen to us. We are content to live our lives and serve God as long as He keeps His end of the deal. As long as He provides for us, keeps us comfortable, and doesn’t ask too much of us, we are happy to live our lives serving Him.

But then, like a cannonball, a problem or difficult situation slams into our lives, causing huge waves and ripple effects. We look around in surprise. How could God allow this to happen? Doesn’t He love me? Where is God?

We begin to doubt God’s goodness and question His ways. Fear takes hold of us. We wonder- if God allowed this to happen, what else might he allow to happen? If we’re not careful, we let that fear control our lives.

Everyone Has Problems

We all have problems come into our lives. No one is immune. I think Henry Wadsworth Longfellow got it right when he said, “Thy fate is the common fate of all; into each life some rain must fall.”

It comes down to this- how are we going to handle these problems? God never promised us pain-free lives; He promised that He would give us grace to get through our problems.

Excerpt from The Hidden Pain

God has taken my family and I through some problems over the last several years. Some of them were minor and slightly uncomfortable. Others were so huge, I didn’t think my faith would make it through intact.

The following is an excerpt from my book, The Hidden Pain: When You Fear God is No Longer Blessing Your Life.

I look back on some of the really dark moments of these past several years and feel like I’ve come out on the other side. I felt as if I’d lost my faith, but I discovered that it’s been there all along. It’s a small whisper of a beat, a thread. It’s almost inaudible, almost severed, but it’s still there. It still exists because God still exists, and He never left me. He’s been there all along. Yes, He allowed me to go through a difficult season to figure out if I really trust Him and see if my faith is really strong enough. I had to be brought to the end of myself to find what’s been there all along – God and the people around me.

When our plans fall apart, our dreams die, and life hits us out of nowhere and knocks our feet out from under us, the first thing we do is call out to God to take it away. It’s just too much. We can’t handle the pressure, the heartbreak, the feelings of betrayal, the hurt, the stress, and on and on it goes. I’ve gone through this, and I have seen countless numbers of people go through this. We just want God to take it away. But more often than not, God doesn’t. He doesn’t remove the pain or the problem. Instead, He offers his grace to get through it.

The apostle Paul had a problem – a “thorn in the flesh” as he called it. He asked God to take it away several times, but God didn’t. God’s response to Paul is in II Corinthians 12:9, “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

God doesn’t promise to take our problems away. He says that His grace will be enough and His strength will be made perfect through our weakness. Somehow that’s enough. It doesn’t feel like it’s enough when we are in the moment, but if we can stay faithful and trust God, He will get us through. Someday – maybe not today, maybe not a month from now or even a year from now, but someday, you will look back and see that God knew what He was doing all along. He was forming a new you, a better you.

From The Hidden Pain

If you are interested in The Hidden Pain, you can try a sample. Just click below to get the first chapter for free.

God’s Grace to Get Through

When you feel so alone and feel like no one understands, remember to look up. One of the songs Matt and I have been listening to lately that has been an encouragement is No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus by Steffany Gretzinger. I think you will find it an encouragement to your heart.

Sometimes we need to be reminded that yes, problems will come into our lives. But God loves you more than you can possibly know. He will help you get through this. You will come out on the other side. Your faith will grow strong again. God is creating a new you, a stronger you.

kids in front of a tree

10 Family Fun Ideas to Fit in Before School Starts

School Starting

It’s hard to believe, but summer break is quickly drawing to a close. School starts up soon, and fall will be upon us before we know it! Because we homeschool, our first day of school is technically today. We always start on August 1st. So today, we set up our homeschool room and got everything ready so we can kick off a great week of school next week.

Fitting In Family Fun

With that in mind, we decided to make the best of the last week of our summer break. On Wednesday morning, we surprised the kids and told them to pack for an overnight in Lancaster, PA. I am not a very spontaneous person, by nature. I have to work at it, but every once in a while I can be. A few summers ago, we did something similar with our kids.

We had an awesome night away in Lancaster. We got to swim in the outdoor pool, go to a park, visit a used bookstore and Barnes and Noble, go to an orchard for fresh cherries and cherry cider, and more.

family fun in the pool
Malachi and Madison enjoying the pool

Then on Friday, our last day before school, we headed about an hour away to a great park. We grabbed lunch and took it with us to the park. The kids played for a while. After they got tired and hot, we sat at the table and played card games together.

We had a great summer, but just taking these last few days and adding some extra special time together as a family set us up for being ready to start back with school. The kids are excited for a new year.

Madison and Macey

10 Family Fun Ideas

If you’re looking to fit in some family fun in the next few weeks before school, here are ten family fun ideas to try before school starts.

  1. Grill out and eat outside. We got Matt a grill for Father’s Day and cooked out almost every night of the week this summer. Each night, we would fill the cooler with ice and put in drinks. Then we just sat on the back deck and talked while the kids played and Matt grilled.
  2. Plan a day trip away. Pack up for a day away without telling the kids where you’re going.
  3. Surprise your spouse or your kids with an overnight. A change of place and pace can be just what we need to relax and enjoy time together as a family before school starts up.
  4. Take lunch to the park. It doesn’t have to be something fancy. Our kids just love doing picnics at the park, whether that’s homemade PB and J sandwiches or a box of chicken nuggets from McDonald’s. Food always tastes better at the park.
  5. Take each of your kids on a back-to-school date. We do this each year before school. Each kid gets a day away with me. They pick where to go for lunch. Then we go shopping for school supplies and a new backpack. We finish off the day with a special treat somewhere, usually ice cream.
  6. Plan a movie night. Movie nights are always a sure thing. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you want it to be. Our go-to is popcorn popped in our popcorn maker with butter and some shaker kettle corn seasoning on it.
  7. Fit in a last trip to the beach or to a lake nearby or a splash park. Getting wet is the best part of summer!
  8. Take a walk or a bike ride together in the evening, just for the fun of it. The other night when it started cooling down a little, we went to the park. The kids played on the equipment for a little bit; then we threw a football around. There was a light breeze blowing; it was so nice and peaceful.
  9. Surprise the kids by taking them out for ice cream or water ice instead of getting ready for bed. I’ll be honest, we don’t do that very often. When we have though, the kids think it’s the most amazing thing ever! Once or twice, they have been in pj’s when Matt told them to get shoes on and head to the car.
  10. Plan a family game night. Our kids love playing games. Occasionally, I will set the table with a fun tablecloth, put some snacks in bowls, put out juice boxes, and stack our games on the table. Some of our favorite family games are Uno, Skipbo, Dutch Blitz, Ultimate Werewolf, Codenames, Guess Who Cards, and Ticket to Ride.

Hopefully, this list got you thinking about some ideas. What are some things that your family does before the kids head back to school?