Monthly Archives: July 2019

Trust that God Knows What He is Doing

A New Experience

A friend recently told me about a splash park not too far from us. So Thursday morning, I told my kids to get dressed in swim clothes for the park. A few minutes later, my five-year-old came downstairs dressed in regular clothes.

“Maggie, why aren’t you wearing your swimsuit?” I asked.

“I’m not going to get wet,” she said.

“Maggie, I really want you to put your swimsuit on under your clothes. That way, if you decide to get wet, you are good to go. If not, you can still play at the park,” I told her.

Convincing Maggie

She argued with me for a little bit, then finally went and changed. When we got to the park, she was convinced she didn’t want to get wet. I sent my other kids to go play and set about convincing her. Being super shy, Maggie hates new experiences. It’s really hard for her to do things when there are new people around. In this case, there were lots of little kids playing in the water. I knew that if I could just convince her to try it, she would have a blast.

two girls eating lunch
Maggie is on the right

After a while, I just about gave up in frustration. Finally, I convinced her to go try it one time. She went and tried it, and that was all it took. She played in the water for the next hour. When it was time to leave, she thanked me and said she had so much fun and wanted to know when we could come back!

After we all piled in the van to leave, I turned around to talk to Maggie. “I knew you would have a fun time; you just needed to trust me,” I said with a smile.

God as Our Parent

I wonder how often God has a similar perspective in our lives. For instance, as soon as something unplanned or difficult comes into our lives, we assume God has forgotten us or is upset with us. When in reality, God knows exactly what He is doing. Likewise, He is working His plan in our lives. He is weaving together our experiences and the people around us to mold us exactly into who He wants us to be.

I Peter 4:19 says, “Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.”

I love how the Message paraphrases it.

“So if you find life difficult because you’re doing what God said, take it in stride. Trust him. He knows what he’s doing, and he’ll keep on doing it.” (The Message)

God has not forgotten you. He is shaping you into who He wants you to be. Trust God and trust His process. It may be that He is preparing you for a change. Maybe it’s a new career, a move, a spouse, or something else entirely. You can read my 3 Ways to Stay Flexible and Ready for Change.

Book Suggestion

One of the best books I have read is The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard by Kara Tippets. I will warn you, it’s not easy to read. I read it with tears streaming down my face, but it’s really good. Her life is such a testament to trusting God even in the most difficult of circumstances. Matt recently told me Netflix made a documentary of her life.

Getting Through Today

God knows exactly where you are today and what you are going through. He hasn’t forgotten you, and He’s not ignoring you. Choose to trust Him to get you through today.

Summer Reading List for 2019

Are you looking for some good book suggestions for summer reading? I’ve got you covered. I chose just a handful of books that I love.


Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by [Goff, Bob]
  1. Love Does by Bob Goff. Every chapter in this book is a story, and Bob Goff is a master story-teller. It’s so full of encouragement and inspiration to love others with our whole heart.
The Ministry of Ordinary Places: Waking Up to God's Goodness Around You by [Martin, Shannan]

2. The Ministry of Ordinary Places by Shannon Martin. Shannon Martin’s books are so enjoyable. She talks about ministry in the city with truth and authenticity. She doesn’t sugar-coat it.

Can't Make This Stuff Up!: Finding the Upside to Life's Downs by [Lewis, Susannah B.]

3. Can’t Make This Stuff Up by Susannah B. Lewis. Susannah’s book is full of encouragement and laughs.

Unmasked: Overcoming the Shame that Says You're Not Enough by [Manney, Matt]

4. Unmasked by Matt Manney. This is my husband’s book. It’s about ripping off the mask of shame and learning that through God, I am enough.

The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears by [Batterson, Mark]

5. The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. This book is so powerful. Mark teaches us again the importance of prayer but in a relevant and powerful way.

It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered by [TerKeurst, Lysa]

6. It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way by Lisa TerKeurst. Lisa shares her testimony in this powerful book. She shares how her life was shattered when her husband had an affair.

Make it Happen: Surrender Your Fear. Take the Leap. Live On Purpose. by [Casey, Lara]

7. Make It Happen by Lara Casey. This book is an encouragement to step out and do something great for God.

Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be by [Hollis, Rachel]

8. Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. Rachel Hollis is the queen of motivation. Her book inspires us to forget about what others think and go for our dreams.

Get Out of That Pit: Straight Talk about God's Deliverance by [Moore, Beth]

9. Get Out of That Pit by Beth Moore. This book was an eye opener for me. I loved reading about the different pits in our lives and how we get there.


Of Beast and Beauty (Daughters of Eville) by [Hahn, Chanda]

10. Of Beast and Beauty by Chanda Hahn. I love anything by Chanda Hahn. This book just came out and is the first in the series. It was so good! It’s a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast.

The Iron Butterfly (The Iron Butterfly Series Book 1) by [Hahn, Chanda]

11. The Iron Butterfly Series by Chanda Hahn. This series is one of my favorite of all time. There are three books in the series, and they are fabulous.

The Traitor's Game (The Traitor's Game, Book 1) by [Nielsen, Jennifer A.]

12. The Traitor’s Game by Jennifer Nielsen. Any book by Jennifer A. Nielsen is amazing! This one is no exception.

If you need more ideas, check out my Summer Reading List from 2018. Happy Reading!

Stick It Out: 3 Daily Choices to Prevent Quitting

In High School

Stick it out! How many times have you heard those words before? I have a particular hatred for that phrase. I think it probably comes from years of sports and being yelled at. In high school, those words were yelled at my teammates and me as we ran under the hot Midwest sun in late August. It was preseason, and we had the joy of running outdoors to get “in shape” for the coming sports season.

I remember one particular day. We were running a long stretch. One of my team members jogged next to me. She looked at me as we jogged and asked, “How do you not stop? How do you keep going?” Confused, I looked at her. “What do you mean?” I asked. She said, “Everybody always stops and walks when they need to, but you never do. How do you keep going and not stop to walk?” Her question surprised me. I honestly don’t remember my response to her. It was probably something like, “I don’t want to get in trouble and have to run more.”

In Church Planting

I have thought about that question hundreds of times since then. I think about it when I’m pushing myself to keep jogging, and all I want to do is stop and walk. Sometimes I think about it when I am tired and want to go to bed, but I have a few more things to accomplish. Often I think about it in relation to church planting. The last few years of ministry have brought heartache and failed expectations. There have been countless times I wanted to just walk away from it all.

Too many Sundays with only a handful of people showing up for church, too many months without getting paid, too many hurtful comments from people, too many feelings of failure, and on and on the list goes. I’m sure people looking at our life would ask the same question my teammate asked so many years ago. “Why don’t you stop? Why do you keep going?” One gentleman at a church we were visiting said to my husband, “Most people would have given up by now.”

What was his response? What is my response? “We’re not most people.” While it is true, most people would have walked away by now, we have chosen to stay. We have chosen to continue in what God has called us to do. Why? Because we know this is God’s plan and purpose for our lives. More importantly, the reason we can keep going is that we have wrestled with knowing God’s plan for our lives.

In God’s Purpose

Matt and I have spent countless hours praying, reading our Bibles, journaling, talking to wise counselors, and talking to each other about God’s plan for our lives. We spent a lot of time working through the process I outlined in my last blog post. 6 Steps to Finding God’s Purpose for Your Life. I created a worksheet outlining the process we used. You can get it here. We’ve settled that we are to love and care for the people that God brings through the door of Greater Philly Church. We are both supposed to write. Matt’s newest book Breakthrough: Transforming the Death of Your Dream into the Birth of Your Breakthrough releases in a few weeks. I am currently writing a book. We both blog. Matt blogs at These are the things we know God wants us to do.

In the Future

How do we stick it out when what God has called us to becomes difficult or doesn’t look anything like we thought it would?

Hebrews 10:36 says, “For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” (KJV)

The Message paraphrases it this way, “But you need to stick it out, staying with God’s plan so you’ll be there for the promised completion.”

What is the the promise? The answer is found in verse 37.

For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. (KJV)

The promise is that Jesus is coming again. When He does, all of our heartache and disappointments will be wiped away in the blink of an eye. We will receive vindication for all the wrongs we received. He will tell us, “Well done.”

3 Daily Choices that Keep Me from Quitting

After eight years of church planting, there are three things that I have learned that keep me from quitting.

  1. Take it one day at a time. I just have to get through today. Don’t look at tomorrow or the next day. Figure out what I need to do for today.
  2. Stay grateful. I write down several things I am grateful for every morning in my journal.
  3. Choose joy. I once heard Rick Warren say, “Discouragement is a choice.” We have to choose not to be discouraged. If I don’t choose joy every day, the disappointments in life will pull me down.

In conclusion, I need to fulfill what God has called me to do. You need to fulfill what God has called you to do. Together, let’s develop some stick-it-out grit, so we can finish what we’ve started.

girl running
photo credit: pixabay

Six Steps to Finding God’s Purpose for Your Life

The Confusion Surrounding Finding God’s Purpose

Finding God’s purpose for our lives is like finding the holy grail. Pastors preach on it, teachers teach about it, Christians talk about it… but nobody tells you how to find it. It’s one of the most confusing topics in churches. Most people don’t know how to find God’s purpose for their lives, but all of us recognize when somebody else has found theirs.

When you cross paths with somebody who lives their life accomplishing what God created them to do, it’s contagious. You want to be around them. You want to be apart of what God is doing in their life. So how do we figure out God’s purpose for our lives?

Paul’s Understanding of His Purpose

Before we tackle finding God’s purpose, it is crucial for us to understand that everybody’s purpose in life is different. We can absolutely not compare what God wants us to do with what anybody else is doing. Paul understood this clearly. In II Timothy 4:7, he says,

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:”

Paul says, I have fought a good fight, and I have kept the faith. When he talks about fighting a good fight and keeping the faith, he uses the words a and the. When he talks about his course, however, he makes it personal. He uses the word my. “I have finished my course.” This tiny word makes a huge difference. Paul understood that his course was different from everybody else’s. He recognized that God had given him a purpose and plan for life that couldn’t be compared to anybody else’s, and Paul didn’t. He focused solely on what God wanted him to accomplish.

A Simple Six-Step Process

If we could latch on to Paul’s idea, we would find so much more peace in our lives. God has created us all uniquely and gifted us differently. If we were all the same, God wouldn’t need each one of us. The fact that you and I are still on this earth and not in Heaven means that God has a special plan for our lives. He has gifted you and me specifically for what he wants us to accomplish. Your purpose will be unlike anybody else’s. We can not compare ourselves to anyone else. Even someone who is in the same line of work as you will be gifted slightly different to be able to accomplish their purpose differently than you.

A Simple Formula

If we spend our lives comparing ourselves and our lives to others, we are wasting the gifts God has given us. It’s time to stop looking around at others and focus on looking inside ourselves at how God has gifted us and wants us to use those gifts to accomplish His purpose in our lives. How do we do that? We can use simple questions and action steps to help us figure out our purpose.

  1. How has God gifted me- what talents do I have?
  2. What abilities have I developed over the years?
  3. What is my personality?
  4. What am I passionate about?
  5. How can I take the answers to the above questions and combine them to meet a need in other people’s lives?
  6. Write down your two or three top choices. Pray about those options. Talk to other close family and friends and get their opinion on your choices. What do they see as a natural fit for you?

Now the formula is simple, but the process may take some time. That’s okay. Take the time to really think through your answers. If you find the answer to number 5, you can begin to find God’s purpose for your life. Don’t overcomplicate it. God only gave you so many talents, passions, and opportunities to grow your abilities. He did that to point you in the direction of what He wants you to do with your life.

*Free Worksheet Download*

To work through the above process, I have created a worksheet you can download here.

Once you work through this process, it may mean you need to make some changes in your life. Read my 3 Ways to Stay Flexible and Be Ready for a Change. Give yourself time and allow God to lead you.

An Additional Resource

One of the books that really helped me when I was trying to work through this process was Fringe Hours: Making Time for You by Jessica Turner.

When we find out what God wants us to accomplish with our lives, we become unstoppable. We get out of bed, excited for the day and ready to work. Is every day perfect? No. Do hard days still come? Yes; but we will have the motivation and drive to keep us moving forward.

waves on the beach
photo credit: Sean O.