Tag Archives: reading the Bible

Jumpstart Your Morning Time Routine

morning time routine

Morning Time Routine Reboot

We are full-on into this new year. This is a great time to start or re-boot your morning time routine. A morning time routine is simply the words I use to describe the time you set aside every morning to spend with God. For me, this time includes my Bible reading, prayer time, and a few other things.

One of the things I hear over and over again from women is that they know they need to spend time with God each day, and they want to, but they just don’t. It can be hard to get started, but it’s like anything else. Once you commit to it, and develop the habit of it, it gets a whole lot easier. I want to share with you the routine I use every single morning. Use it to give you some ideas; then go out and create your own morning time routine that works for you.

My Morning Time Routine

1.Light a candle

The first thing I do every morning when I come downstairs is to light a candle. It sets the mood for the morning and creates the ambiance I’m looking for—that special feeling/knowing that this is going to be a relaxing, calming time. Some of the best places to get candles for a good price are T.J. Max, Kirkland’s, and Bath and Body Works.

2. Make coffee

The next thing I do is head to the kitchen to make myself an iced coffee with lots of whipped cream. This helps me to wake up fully, and it gives me something to look forward to before I come downstairs. Some of my favorite coffees (k-cups) are Cinnabon, peanut butter, and blueberry.

3. Pick a colored pen

For me, it’s the small things that add up that make my morning time something I look forward to. I have a cup of colored gel pens that sits on my table that I pull from each morning. I also love paper mate colored pens for journaling.

4. Journal

I open my journal and work through the prayer section of my journal. The Faithfully Stepping Journal that I’ve created has a section for gratitude, confession, and requests. I work through each of those. You can do the same thing in a regular notebook or journal. Then I’m ready to go on to the next part of my morning time.

5. Read my Bible or a Devotional

I read my Bible next; you can also read a devotional. We have several 30-Day Devotionals if you need a good devotional. If you don’t know where to start, I usually recomend starting in the book of John or the book of Psalms; or choose a devotional. Some people get tied up on this step. Keep it simple. If you read a devotional, just do the application questions at the end of the devotional for the day. If you are reading the Bible, simply write in your journal what stood out to you or what encouraged you. When you write it down, it will stay with you much longer throughout the day.

6. Read a book

Once I’m done with my Bible reading and prayer time and journaling, I spend at least ten minutes reading a good book. This can be inspirational, Christian, entrepreneurial, etc. Just read something that is going to enhance your life. Matt and I are avid readers and believe reading can help us grow in so many areas of life!

7. To-Do List

Lastly, I spend just a few minute writing down my to do list for the day. This is a simple thing I started doing several years ago that increases my productivity throughout the day so much! I use the spiral notebook system. It’s fast, easy, simple, and cheap. But use whatever works for you!

That’s what I do. Now, take those ideas and create a morning time routine that works for you that you love! Let me know how it goes for you!

More Encouragement

For more on this topic, check out my morning time routine course or read Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning.

Comfort for a Discouraged Heart


Bible open to passage

Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us… II Corinthians 7:6



I needed this reminder this morning. God comforts me when I am cast down. How does He do it? The word comforteth means to “call near, to invite.” When I am depressed or discouraged, God calls me near and invites me to spend time with Him. Only after I spend time with Him can I receive His comfort.

When one of my kids is sad, I usually pull them up on my lap and talk to them and cuddle with them. This nearness of physical touch combined with letting them tell me what is on their heart is what encourages them and changes their sad heart to a happy heart. I think it’s the same with God. He wants us to come near to Him and tell Him why we are sad. Spend some time with Him and let Him encourage my sad heart.

How does this work practically? For me this morning, it looked like this…I made a good cup of coffee, grabbed my journal, my Bible, and a pen and sat down and spent some time praying, reading, and journaling. By the time I was done, my heart was encouraged, and I felt ready to face the day. Doing this habit every day is what keeps me going. It recalibrates my heart and my spirit and gives me what I need to get through my day. I also find that I am so much more productive on the days I spend time with God first!
