Monthly Archives: March 2021

It’s Too Soon to Quit

Wanting to Quit

Have you felt like you want to quit lately? Do you ever feel like what you’re doing is just not working, like you’re not cut out for what God has for you?

There’s usually a time (or two) when we come to a point in our lives and wonder if what we are doing with our lives is a mistake. Often, we call it a mid-life crisis. It’s a point where we realize that life is quickly flying past, and we wonder if what we are doing with our life really matters.

Maybe it’s the business you felt for sure God led you to start or the non-profit you were convinced He wanted you to spear-head. Possibly it’s the career you’ve given your life to that suddenly doesn’t feel like it’s enough. Or maybe you chose to stay home with your kids, but now you just feel exhausted and discouraged and unfulfilled. Whatever it is, you felt so sure that this is what God had for you at one point in your life…now, you’re not so sure.

A Few Bad Reviews

I know exactly how you feel. For those of you who are new to Faithfully Stepping, along with this blog and the books, journals, and devotionals I create with my husband under Manney Resources, I also write fantasy fiction under my pen name A. J. Manney. I wrote in last week’s blog how I’ve been struggling with comparing myself to other authors. Well, this week, I was slammed with a few bad reviews on Amazon for one of my books.

One reviewer said that they felt like they were reading a book written by a preteen in a frenzy. Ouch! I’m not even really sure what that means. I do know this—it’s not good. I read the reviews and felt sick to my stomach. They bothered me all week. I finally sat down and talked to my husband about it and told him everything I was feeling. After a long talk that grew heated at times, he finally said this. “I’m not going to let you give up on your dream, the dream God gave you, just because some people don’t like your writing. You’re not doing it for them.”

Finding Hope

I heard his words but didn’t let them sink in. Then I read a verse during my morning time routine that really encouraged me.

While I wait for God as long as he remains in hiding, while I wait and hope for him.
I stand my ground and hope

Isaiah 8:16,17 MSG

As I read those words, “I stand my ground and hope,” God brought back to mind the words Matt had spoken to me. God reminded me in the quietness of the morning that it wasn’t time to quit. I need to stand my ground and not give up.

Don’t Quit

I don’t know what you are considering walking away from or giving up on, but I want to encourage you today to stand your ground and hope. It’s too soon to give up. It’s too soon to quit on what God has called you to do. It’s too soon to give up on your marriage or your child who’s walked away from God. Don’t quit praying for your miracle. Don’t stop praying for that job or opportunity. It’s always too soon to give up.

Whatever God has led you to do, don’t give up now that it’s difficult, now that’s it’s not what you thought it would be, not when it’s harder than it was supposed to be.

“God never promised success; He simply promised His presence.”

From my book The Hidden Pain: When You Fear God is No Longer Blessing Your Life

When Women Pray

I read today in my new favorite book by T. D. Jakes, When Women Pray, the quote below.

God’s extraordinary power will flow through the prayers of ordinary people when we have the faith to pray—and when we are willing to take action to open the door and take hold of what God has set before us.

When Women Pray: 10 Women of the Bible Who Changed the World Through Prayer by T. D. Jakes

I love those words! They are the encouragement I need to not give up and to keep going with what God has for me! I hope they do the same for you today.

More Encouragement

For more encouragement on this topic, check out Jess Connolly’s book, You Are the Girl for the Job. I love this book. It will encourage you to step into what God has for you and not give up. And check out this song by Mandissa—”It’s Not Over.”

When Everybody Else is Succeeding Except for You

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When Everybody Else is Succeeding Except for You

Do you ever feel like everybody else is succeeding in life except for you? Sometimes it feels like everybody has their act together except for us. Of course, the way this most often manifests itself is on social media. Everybody on social media is succeeding; at least, that’s how it feels

I’m not usually one of those people that has to take a break from social media. I am on social media often because of trying to build a platform for my books and for Manney Resources. Usually, I can hop on, scroll around, and hop off and it doesn’t bother me. Lately though, it’s been a source of continual frustration.

My Own Personal Struggle

Let me peel back the curtains and give you a glimpse into my personal life. I write books and blog posts for Faithfully Stepping, but I also write fantasy fiction books under my pen name, A. J. Manney.

Well, there is a young mom on Instagram that started writing this past year. She’s an independent author like myself and published her first book on Amazon in November of 2020. She had very little social media presence prior to her book launch.

Her book has done exceptionally well. She has over four hundred reviews already for it. She’s written three more books since then, and they’re all doing really well. Meanwhile, my book hasn’t even hit twenty reviews yet, and it’s been out for a year longer than hers. Watching her book take off has been incredibly hard for me. I’ve really struggled with wondering whether I should even continue down this path.

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out why it is I’m not succeeding, trying to figure out what to change. I’ve cried, stressed, worked harder, tried more things, only to come up empty time and time again. I’ve been so frustrated with it lately, and I feel like every time I jump on social media I see somebody else who is killing it. It’s really been defeating for me.

Then God gave me a simple reminder a few days ago that came in the form of a simple flower.

Two Different Flowers

When you look at the two pictures below, what do you notice? How are they different? Which one do you want in your home?

flower succeeding in full bloom

I think we would all say that we love the first flower. It’s beautiful. It’s in full bloom and doing what it was created to do. The second flower, not so much. It’s not beautiful yet. It’s actually kind of ugly at the moment. It doesn’t draw our attention like the first flower does.

I saw these two flowers the other day and snapped a picture. God brought this thought to mind, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since: There is only one difference between the first flower and the second…time. Both flowers receive the same amount of sunlight and water. The same caretaker cares for them. They are similar in every way except one bloomed sooner than the other.

When it’s the right time, that second flower is going to bloom. It will be beautiful. It will catch people’s eye. No one will remember when it was ugly; they will only remember it in full bloom

A Time for Succeeding

Solomon reminds us in the book of Ecclesiastes that there is a time for everything.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

Ecclesiastes 3:1,2 KJV

If you’re in a season of life right now like I am where you feel like everyone around you is succeeding, but you’re not and no matter how hard you work, you just can’t seem to get ahead…maybe it’s simply a timing thing.

Remember that God took Moses to the backside of a desert for 80 years before God led him to free the children of Israel. It took fifteen years for David to become King after Samuel anointed him. Joseph was around seventeen when he had his dreams, but it wasn’t until he turned thirty that God brought his dreams to pass and he became second in command of all of Egypt. Jesus waited thirty years before beginning his public ministry that only lasted three years. Yet, those three years of ministry make Him the most well-known person in history.

I think we could agree that each of these people led amazing lives of faith that still inspire us today. Yet each one of them had this in common—they led lives of obscurity until God brought them into the light.

God’s Timing

God’s timing is so much better than ours because he thinks so differently than we do. Why? Because we think only in terms of the here and now. God thinks in view of eternity.

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8,9 MEV

If you are feeling right now that you just aren’t where you thought you’d be by now, that you just aren’t succeeding as you should be, let me give you two thoughts to encourage you.

1. It’s a Timing Thing

It’s just not the right time. You just aren’t in full bloom yet. Right now, you’re still growing, still finding your way. When it’s the right time, you are going to bloom…and it’s going to be beautiful.

But don’t stop working hard, pushing, striving, creating, and becoming the best you can be at what you are doing. So when the time is right, you will be ready to succeed.

2. God Is Using the Tension to Push You to Greatness

I’m reading When Women Pray: 10 Women of the Bible Who Changed the World through Prayer by T. D. Jakes as a part of my morning time routine. I’m loving this book. It’s been such an encouragement to me and just what I need right now.

I read this the other day…

Do you realize that God often intentionally brings rivals into your life to provoke you? Not to provoke you to anger or jealousy, but to provoke you to greatness. To poke you and prod you toward the potential He sees in you.

When Women Pray

Go back and read that again. It’s so good, isn’t it? I decided that this author has been brought into my life to provoke me. Not to make me mad or jealous, but simply to push me towards the potential God sees in me. What an amazing way to turn things around. What a great way to think about it!

Who in your life right now is God using to push you towards your potential, towards the greatness He knows is inside of you because He placed it there Himself?

I don’t know where you’re at right now. Maybe this doesn’t even apply to you. But if you are someone who needed to hear this today, I hope these words encourage your heart.

Encouragement for Today

If God has placed someone in your life who is always one step ahead of you. She has more social media followers, she makes more sales or income, has a nicer house, dresses better, and on and on the list goes…realize that she might be in your life simply to push you towards your potential. So don’t get mad. Don’t give up. Use it to push you towards the greatness God has for you.

If it’s a timing issue, there is absolutely not one thing you can do. It’s in God’s hands. Read this verse and let these words encourage your heart.

So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time.

I Peter 5:6 MSG

You be you, and let God do the work of promoting you in due time. When it’s the right time, you will bloom and it will be the most beautiful thing to see.

These are a Few of My Favorite Things Giveaway

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favorite things

Welcome to Faithfully Stepping

Thanks so much for entering my favorite things giveaway and welcome to Faithfully Stepping! If you are new around here, you can find out more about me and why I started Faithfully Stepping HERE.

This is a place of encouragement for the person whose life doesn’t look anything like they thought it would. Life has fallen apart around them, and they have been left to pick up the pieces. My passion is to help that person. I send out a weekly email every Friday with encouragement to help you keep faithfully stepping into what God has for you.

Our Family

Popular Posts

Here are some of my most popular posts to get you started:

My Reminder this Week to Hold My Loved Ones Close

When You Can’t See God Working in Your Life

Knowing When to Wait and When to Move Forward

Understanding the Process God Takes Us Through

Don’t Give Up on Your Heart’s Desire

Morning Time Routine

One of the things I am super passionate about is helping people develop a morning time routine. My mornings set the stage for my entire day. A good morning equals a good day. My morning time routine includes prayer, Bible reading, journaling, and morning tasks. Read Creating a Morning Time Routine You Love and My Best Tips for an Effective Morning Time and Revolutionize Your Morning Time Routine with These Ten Products to help you get started.

Products Included in this Giveaway

All these products are amazing. If you don’t win but would like to get your hands on some of my favorite products, check out the links below.

Earrings from Emily Lane Clay Designs

I went to church with Emily’s husband’s family years ago.

Candles from Masterpiece Candles Co

This is my friend Keya’s shop on Etsy.

Beauty Products from Frekleface Beauty

This is my friend Aiesha’s link for Instagram where she just started selling beauty products in March.

Colored Pens

My Faithfully Stepping Journal

My book: The Hidden Pain: When You Fear God is No Longer Blessing Your Life

The Journey

I hope you will find my emails each week encouraging, uplifting, and just what you need to keep going. I’m happy to have you along for the journey, a journey of Faithfully Stepping!

The Thirty to THRIVE System

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30-to-THRIVE system
30-to-THRIVE System

Our Passion

Matt and I have a passion to help people develop a morning time routine. Having a consistent morning time routine of Bible reading, prayer, and journaling has been the number one grounding factor in our lives that has kept us from giving up and sticking with what God has for us and in turn has helped us to thrive.

So many times over the years, we have gotten discouraged and wanted to quit our church plant. When people got upset with us, when we didn’t get paid for months on end, when we felt like God had forgotten us, when we had to sell our house…during all of those times, having a consistent morning time kept us from quitting and walking away.

Manney Resources

Because it’s made such an impact on our lives, we have a burden and desire to help others learn to develop a morning time routine of their own. So, we created Manney Resources where we sell books, journals, and Bible studies to help Christians grow their faith one day at a time. Because we believe if you change your morning, you can grow your faith, and change your life.

If you check out Manney Resources, you will see you can download a free Morning Time Routine Guide. I highly recommend doing that. The Morning Time Routine Guide is a 6-page personal guide to kick-start your mornings, transform how you study the Bible, help you get consistent with your prayer-time, turn Bible reading into a reflection that you will take through your day, and read more books to improve your career, build your relationships, and grow your faith in just 30 minutes a day.

The 30-to-THRIVE System

Matt and I have turned our morning time routine into an easy 30-minute system that we call thirty-to-thrive. There are three steps to the system. Each step takes ten minutes, resulting in thirty minutes.

10 minutes reading a devotional or Bible passage⠀⠀

The first step is to spend ten minutes reading a devotional, such as our He Still Calms Storms Devotional, or reading the Bible. You Version has tons of Bible reading plans to choose from and is a great resource.

10 minutes writing in a journal

Faithfully Stepping Journals

The second step is to journal. I recommend using my Faithfully Stepping Journal. I created these journals specifically for women using the system I’ve used for years. Whether you use my journal or another journal, the process is simple. There are two sections—a section for prayer and a section for journaling about what you’ve read.


  1. Gratitude. Write down at least three things you are grateful for.
  2. Confession. Write down what you need to confess from yesterday.
  3. Requests. Write down what you are praying for today.


Write down anything that encouraged you from what you read. It may be a thought or an actual verse. Writing down what impacted you will help it stay with you for the rest of the day.

*Just a note: The Faithfully Stepping Journal has a third section. This section is for writing down thoughts, reminders, or tasks for the day that come to mind while you are writing in your journal.

10 minutes reading a book⠀⠀⠀

A huge part of growing as a Christian and staying encouraged comes from reading good Christian inspirational books. If you read just ten minutes a day, you could easily read ten books a year. You can find a list of some of my favorite books HERE, or you can check out the books I’m currently reading.

I believe God can use books in a powerful way in our lives. I believe that because I’ve seen it happen. When Matt and I get discouraged, we will often go to Barnes and Noble and buy a book or two. Books have played a huge role in who we are, what we believe about God and life around us, the work we do, and our overall spiritual health and encouragement.

It’s Time to THRIVE

Developing a morning time routine is the most important thing you can do to develop your faith and grow in your relationship with Jesus. Try it for just one week and see if if doesn’t make a huge difference in your life and you begin to thrive!

What Are You Looking At?

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looking at a yellow tulip

We See What We’re Looking At

I finished reading Have More Fun: How to Be Remarkable, Stop Feeling Stuck, and Start Enjoying Life by Mandy Arioto a few weeks ago. One of the things Mandy wrote that has stuck with me is this, “We see what we’re looking for.”

I’ve thought a lot about those words. It’s made me stop and think in my own life, What am I looking at? What is catching my attention? Is it all the negativity around me? Is it the fighting of my children? Maybe the frustrations of daily life?

If I am actively looking for beauty all around me, I am going to find beauty. If I’m looking for good all around me, I’m going to find it. However, if I’m looking for faults, I’m going to find them easily both in myself and in other people. If I am focused on fear, I’m going to see life through that lens.

We Need to Focus On God’s Goodness

Our focus should be on God and His goodness. It’s impossible to focus on God’s goodness and negativity at the same time.

Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about.

Philippians 4:8 TLB

I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works. Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts, and I will declare Your greatness. They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, and shall sing of Your righteousness.

Psalm 145:5-7 NKJV

So how can we practically look for goodness and beauty in our lives?

Actively looking for good

1. Practice gratitude every day.

I do this each morning in my Faithfully Stepping Journal. There’s a section for gratitude where I write down at least three things I am grateful for today. It’s the very first thing I do when I start my morning time routine. It puts my heart and mind in a right framework to begin my day.

2. Spend time in God’s Word each day.

It doesn’t have to be a long time. Even just five to ten minutes can make a huge impact on your day. Choose a good devotional, a Bible-reading plan, or pick a plan on YouVersion, an app that has literally thousands of Bible plans to choose from.

3. Read inspirational books.

I try to always read an encouraging and uplifting book for at least a few minutes each day after I’ve read my Bible. Why? Because reading makes us apathetic to whatever we are reading. So if I’m reading about a woman who learned to pray more and it made a huge difference in her life, then I’m probably going to start praying more. If I read about how a mom learned to be a better mom, I can learn those principles and become a better mom too. Reading other people’s stories gives us hope, encourages our hearts to stay faithful, and pushes us to become better Christians.

4. Listen to uplifting music that gets your focus off of yourself and onto God.

Music was created by God and has an incredibly powerful impact on our lives. Have you ever found yourself singing and dancing in a store simply because you heard a song you really like come on? That’s the power of music. So when you turn on a song that praises God, you can’t keep your bad attitude. The music will bring peace, remind you of God’s faithfulness, and act as a soothing balm to your soul. That’s the power of music.

5. Get out in the sun and into nature.

I am not a nature person. Most of the time, I would rather stay home and read than go for a hike. I will say, though, that I love getting out in the sun for some fresh air and exercise. We have a park that we try to go to several days a week when the weather is nice. It’s the most perfect park for our family because there is a playground set that the kids can play on, and there’s a trail that loops around the playground that isn’t huge. I can walk or jog on the path and still watch my kids.

The great thing about this path is that it runs alongside a patch of woods. So, I can walk the path, and get a small dose of nature. We’ve seen a fox there a few times and several deer on multiple occasions. It’s our little piece of nature in the city. So many times I have been upset, frustrated, discouraged, and after just twenty or thirty minutes of peace and calm and some sunshine, quiet, and exercise, I feel like a new person.

6. Actively look for the good in others.

I’m not going to lie. This is the hardest one for me. I have wired my brain to find the faults in myself and others all the time. My kids bear the brunt of this. It’s something I really have to work on. Finding the faults in others is so easy, but finding the good in others? Not so much. If I want to find more beauty in my life and less negativity, I am going to have to start looking for the good.

7. Go for a trip to someplace that quiets your heart and helps you focus on God.

This is obviously not something you can do every day. But it is so worthwhile to take a break from the pressures of life and just get away, especially if you can get away to a place that has some aspect of nature you can enjoy. Maybe it’s a trip up into the mountains. Perhaps it’s a few days at the beach. Maybe it’s packing a lunch and taking it to a park that has a lake nearby that you can sit and enjoy. For us, sometimes it’s simply a trip upstate to Amish country where the houses are spread out, the grass is green and lush, and the pace is slower. Whatever it is, find a place you can escape to and focus on God’s creation and let its beauty soothe your soul.

Looking for the Good and the Beautiful.

I am convinced we miss so much good and beauty in our lives because we simply don’t know how to look for it. We haven’t made it an active part of our lives. It’s time for us to stop focusing so much on the negative and start looking for the beauty and the good all around us. Pick just one of the ways to actively look for the good in your life each day and see if that doesn’t make an impact on how you see the world around you.