Tag Archives: start today

Don’t Live with Regret


Regret. It’s a word that packs a powerful punch every time we hear it. None of us want to look back on our lives with regret, yet that’s what many of us will face when we come to the end of our lives simply because we let fear keep us from doing what God put in our hearts to do.

So many of us spend too much of our lives on the sidelines wishing, wanting, and hoping instead of jumping into the ring. We dream about the book we long to write, the product that would help so many people, the blog that could make a difference, the small business we know God wants us to start. But fear keeps us back from going after that dream.

The Power of Regret

Danie Pink, the author of several best-sellers including his most recent book, The Power of Regret, collected 16,000 regrets from people in 105 countries. He says that one of the top regrets people have is inaction—not taking a chance.

He posted this picture on social media.

post-it note about regret

How many of us are living a life we are going to regret one day simply because we have been too fearful to move forward into what God wants us to do?

Reasons We Hold Back

1. We fear what others will think of us.

So often, we let our fear of what others will think hold us back. In reality, most people are too busy living their own life afraid of what others will think of them to worry about what you’re doing. And here’s the deal. So what? What if they don’t approve? What if somebody doesn’t like what you’re doing? It doesn’t matter. Our judgment comes from God. (Proverbs 29:26) It doesn’t matter what others think of us.

2. We think we won’t succeed.

We have this built-in alarm that blares loudly whenever we attempt to do something that is not a guaranteed success. Most of us can’t even allow ourselves to try something unless we are absolutely sure it will succeed. Here’s the thing; you probably will fail. There you go—your encouragement for today. 😁 The fact of the matter is we all fail. Matt and I started a business in 2011 that completely failed. Was it hard? Yes. Discouraging? Yes. But did we learn so much? Yes. Because of that failure, we knew what to do differently for Manney Resources when we launched that business in 2020. We can’t let the fear of failure keep us from trying.

3. It seems like a waste of time, money, and resources.

This one is a hard one. I know what it’s like not to have even a penny to put behind a business, blog, book, product, etc. There are so many ways to get around this. Figure out a way to start without spending any money or little money. It may mean that you don’t have all the bells and whistles when you first start, but start anyway. Just get the ball moving; the money will come in time. If you are doing what God created you to do and fulfilling the purpose he’s given you, then it’s not a waste of time, money, or resources. It’s just the opposite. It’s investing the resources he gave you. When you do that, he can funnel more towards you.

4. It doesn’t seem possible.

If it feels possible, it probably isn’t from God. The thing is that God gives us more than we can handle mostly so that we have to keep returning to him time and again. If God’s given you a big dream, go after it. He will give you the grace and strength for it. On the other hand, even if your dream doesn’t seem huge, go after it anyway. You have no idea what God could do with it once you get started.

5. We don’t think anybody will stand behind what we’re doing.

This is a lie Satan uses to keep us from doing what God wants us to do. I am always amazed at the cheerleaders God sends along the way. Often, it’s not anybody I ever thought of. Somebody sends an email, shares a post, or buys a product and reaches out to me and lets me know how much they appreciated it. It’s usually someone that totally surprises me. Don’t let the thought that nobody will get behind what you’re doing stop you, because you will be surprised. When you step out and start something, people will cheer you on. Will everybody? No. But those that don’t will fall away, and you will find the ones that do.

Choose to Simply Start

There are so many fears that keep us from wanting to move forward on what God has created us to do. We have to turn our back on those fears and just start. Today. There will never be a perfect time. We have to choose to simply start. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, had something to say about this principle in the book of Ecclesiastes.

Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest.

Ecclesiastes 11:4 NLT

If you wait for everything to be perfect, you will never start. If you wait for the finances to come in, for the support of others, for the perfect product or manuscript, you won’t ever get started. So push all that away and start. Don’t come to the end of your life and look back with regret simply because you were too fearful to do what God put in your heart to do.

More Encouragement

For more encouragement, check my post Don’t Give Up on the Dream God has Given You. A great book on this topic is Soar by T. D. Jakes.

Developing a Faith That’s Strong Enough to Stand On

Stocking feet on steps in the fall
Photo Credit: Alex Geerts

Is your faith strong enough to stand on? We think we have faith until everything falls apart around us; then we really see how much faith we really have.

When My World Came Crashing Down

A little over two years ago, my faith was tested, and it surprised me how weak my faith really was. I’ve always considered myself to have a lot of faith, but sometimes being tested is a true sign of where you are at.

Over the course of just a few months, we lost several giving families in our church. For a small church plant, that was devastating. I remember Matt’s face when he told me that we wouldn’t be able to make payroll that month. I just stared at him.

“What does that mean?” I asked, totally surprised, even though I knew exactly what it meant.

“It means we don’t get paid,” he said before leaving the room.

I sat there for a few minutes, then prayed. “God, we really need you to come through for us. Please provide for us.” I left the table and moved about my day, confident that God would come through for us. He had come through for us so many times in the past, why would this time be any different? Little did I know, God wouldn’t come through for us that month. Nor would He the month after that and the month after that.

Going From Bad to Worse

The next several months brought all kinds of mayhem with it. I watched as our carefully planned life and ministry came crashing down around us. Things went from bad to worse, and I had no idea how to fix it. My faith was stretched so much, I thought I was going to lose it altogether.

Weeks stretched into months, the bills piled up, the credit card maxed out, and we were in serious trouble. Talks of shutting the church down took place. Through it all, I felt like my head was spinning. I couldn’t wrap myself around the fact that God wasn’t providing. Where was He? My family was in the middle of a huge financial crisis, and He was nowhere to be found. I didn’t have the kind of faith that could keep trusting When God Doesn’t Meet My Need. This was all brand new to me, and I could literally feel my faith slipping away.

Excerpt from The Hidden Pain

From my book, The Hidden Pain

This past year and a half rocked my faith. It’s only now that I can look back with just a little clarity, and I’ve realized something about my faith. My faith was weak. I thought it was strong, but it wasn’t. I had what I call a one-to-one faith with God when it came to provision. When I had a need, I prayed; and God would answer. Prayer… answer. He didn’t always answer right away, but He always came through. I understood about things such as illnesses and loss and other requests that God may never answer. But God providing for us? That was easy.

My faith had always worked for me in the past. Now, I was in unchartered waters. This was entirely new. I had never dealt with God not providing. God was taking my faith deeper, and it was painful. This new faith required me to trust God, even when He didn’t provide. This was a much deeper faith. Now it was affecting my kids.

God was saying, “Amanda, will you choose to trust me even when I don’t pay your bills on time? Will you believe that I am good, even when it doesn’t seem like it?” That’s real faith! Easy faith is when you ask for help, and God provides. It takes deep faith when you ask God to provide, and He doesn’t.

The Hidden Pain: When You Feel God is No Longer Blessing Your Life

A New Kind of Faith

I had to learn this new kind of faith. Honestly, I didn’t think my faith would make it through that testing. I believe God let me come to the absolute end of myself to show me what my faith really looked like.

In the book of Mark, Jesus taught His followers about different kinds of seeds that fall to the ground and why some grow and others don’t. I think we can make a direct correlation to our faith.

4 Kinds of Faith

1. A Dissipating Faith

The farmer plants the Word. Some people are like the seed that falls on the hardened soil of the road. No sooner do they hear the Word than Satan snatches away what has been planted in them.

Mark 4:14,15 MSG

This first kind of faith is over before it’s even really started. This person’s faith dissipates before they ever start their journey of faith.

2. An Emotional Faith

And some are like the seed that lands in the gravel. When they first hear the Word, they respond with great enthusiasm. But there is such shallow soil of character that when the emotions wear off and some difficulty arrives, there is nothing to show for it.

Mark 4:16, 17 MSG

This kind of faith touches a little closer to home. This is the kind of faith that is strong, passionate, and ready to conquer the world. That is until a trial comes. This faith is built on emotions. “If I feel good about my faith, I will stand strong. If I don’t feel it and can’t see it, my faith begins to waver.”

3. A Fearful Faith

“The seed cast in the weeds represents the ones who hear the kingdom news but are overwhelmed with worries about all the things they have to do and all the things they want to get. The stress strangles what they heard, and nothing comes of it.

Mark 4:18,19 MSG

The what if’s of life stop this kind of faith from moving forward. This faith stops growing when fear settles in. “I really want to follow God, but what if it costs more than I’m willing to pay? What if it’s holding me back from where I need to be in life?” That kind of faith eventually fizzles out.

4. A Durable Faith

But the seed planted in the good earth represents those who hear the Word, embrace it, and produce a harvest beyond their wildest dreams.”

Mark 4:20 MSG

This is the kind of faith I want to have. I want to have the kind of faith that says, “Okay, God, no matter what happens, I’m all in.” God rewards that kind of faith, allowing us to produce a harvest beyond our wildest dreams.

Faith Check-up

It’s a good time to do a check-up on our faith as we head towards the end of this crazy year of 2020. This year has rocked even the strongest of faith. Some have stood strong, while others have crumbled.

If you’re still standing strong, I want to link arms with you, come alongside you and stand with you. Keep standing. Keep getting up early to spend time with God. Keep doing what it is God has called you to do. Start or stick with a morning time routine.

If your faith has crumbled, it’s time to stand back up, brush the dirt off, and move forward. Faith is not about never failing, never falling, it’s about Getting Back Up After Falling. I want to link arms with you and help you stand strong once again.