Tag Archives: dreams

5 Great Products/Ideas to Start Your New Year Right

I love that God gifts us the gift of new beginnings. New years and new days, fresh starts, a chance to begin again. The beginning of a new year is just like the beginning of a new day—a fresh start, a chance to begin again.

There are different views on the new year. Some people love making goals and resolutions for the year; some people think they’re a waste of time. I am solely on the writing down my dreams and goals for the year side. I love writing down what I want to accomplish for the year with God’s help, and I love looking at that list at the end of the year to see what I was able to accomplish.

No matter which side you fall on, we can all agree that the new year is a great time to push reset.

Some Great Resources for This New Year

If you want to get your year off to a great start, here are a few ideas to get you started.

Daring to Imagine Bible Study.

I finished the end of last year and the first few days of January with this Bible study from youversion. It really encouraged my heart and my creativity. I feel like it’s a great study to kick off the new year. If you want to be encouraged and inspired by what God could do with your life, check out this study. Just download youversion on your phone, if you haven’t already, and look for the plan Daring to Imagine by Rick Warren. You won’t be disappointed; I promise you that!

A Simplified Life.

I read this book by Emily Ley during the last few weeks of last year and loved it! All of Emily Ley books are great, and this one is no exception. I read several of her books last year, but I think this is a great one for a brand new year. It’s all about simplifying your life. She teaches you how to do that by decluttering your home, schedule, calendar, and making time for what’s most important. It’s both really practical with checklists and ideas, and inspirational—which is why I love the book. I think it’s the perfect January book!

Find your word for the year.

My word for the year is more of a phrase. I chose joyful and grateful spirit from Galatians 4. I want my focus this year to be a joyful and grateful spirit, to be joyfully grateful. So many of the problems we have could be taken care of if we simply chose to be grateful for what we’ve been gifted and chose joy. If you haven’t chosen a word for the year, Dayspring has a great quiz you can take. I’ve done that in years past and loved it!

Faithfully Stepping Journal.

If you don’t already journal every day as a part of your morning, I can’t encourage it enough. I use these journals every single morning for my morning time routine. It helps me stay on track every single day with my prayer life and my Bible reading. You don’t have to use these journals, but at least use something to write down what God is teaching you each and every day. It will stay with you much longer; I promise.

A to-do list.

It doesn’t sound like an amazing new year product, but it has the potential to change your life. Commit every day to writing down a list of what you need to accomplish for the day and sticking with it. I recommend using the spiral notebook system if you don’t already have a plan. Even if you don’t accomplish everything on your list for the day, at least it gets you accomplishing something. Very few days do I accomplish everything on my list, but it gives me a direction time and time again throughout the day.

These are just a few simple ideas to help get us back on track in this new year. What ideas do you have for a brand new year?

Don’t Live with Regret


Regret. It’s a word that packs a powerful punch every time we hear it. None of us want to look back on our lives with regret, yet that’s what many of us will face when we come to the end of our lives simply because we let fear keep us from doing what God put in our hearts to do.

So many of us spend too much of our lives on the sidelines wishing, wanting, and hoping instead of jumping into the ring. We dream about the book we long to write, the product that would help so many people, the blog that could make a difference, the small business we know God wants us to start. But fear keeps us back from going after that dream.

The Power of Regret

Danie Pink, the author of several best-sellers including his most recent book, The Power of Regret, collected 16,000 regrets from people in 105 countries. He says that one of the top regrets people have is inaction—not taking a chance.

He posted this picture on social media.

post-it note about regret

How many of us are living a life we are going to regret one day simply because we have been too fearful to move forward into what God wants us to do?

Reasons We Hold Back

1. We fear what others will think of us.

So often, we let our fear of what others will think hold us back. In reality, most people are too busy living their own life afraid of what others will think of them to worry about what you’re doing. And here’s the deal. So what? What if they don’t approve? What if somebody doesn’t like what you’re doing? It doesn’t matter. Our judgment comes from God. (Proverbs 29:26) It doesn’t matter what others think of us.

2. We think we won’t succeed.

We have this built-in alarm that blares loudly whenever we attempt to do something that is not a guaranteed success. Most of us can’t even allow ourselves to try something unless we are absolutely sure it will succeed. Here’s the thing; you probably will fail. There you go—your encouragement for today. 😁 The fact of the matter is we all fail. Matt and I started a business in 2011 that completely failed. Was it hard? Yes. Discouraging? Yes. But did we learn so much? Yes. Because of that failure, we knew what to do differently for Manney Resources when we launched that business in 2020. We can’t let the fear of failure keep us from trying.

3. It seems like a waste of time, money, and resources.

This one is a hard one. I know what it’s like not to have even a penny to put behind a business, blog, book, product, etc. There are so many ways to get around this. Figure out a way to start without spending any money or little money. It may mean that you don’t have all the bells and whistles when you first start, but start anyway. Just get the ball moving; the money will come in time. If you are doing what God created you to do and fulfilling the purpose he’s given you, then it’s not a waste of time, money, or resources. It’s just the opposite. It’s investing the resources he gave you. When you do that, he can funnel more towards you.

4. It doesn’t seem possible.

If it feels possible, it probably isn’t from God. The thing is that God gives us more than we can handle mostly so that we have to keep returning to him time and again. If God’s given you a big dream, go after it. He will give you the grace and strength for it. On the other hand, even if your dream doesn’t seem huge, go after it anyway. You have no idea what God could do with it once you get started.

5. We don’t think anybody will stand behind what we’re doing.

This is a lie Satan uses to keep us from doing what God wants us to do. I am always amazed at the cheerleaders God sends along the way. Often, it’s not anybody I ever thought of. Somebody sends an email, shares a post, or buys a product and reaches out to me and lets me know how much they appreciated it. It’s usually someone that totally surprises me. Don’t let the thought that nobody will get behind what you’re doing stop you, because you will be surprised. When you step out and start something, people will cheer you on. Will everybody? No. But those that don’t will fall away, and you will find the ones that do.

Choose to Simply Start

There are so many fears that keep us from wanting to move forward on what God has created us to do. We have to turn our back on those fears and just start. Today. There will never be a perfect time. We have to choose to simply start. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, had something to say about this principle in the book of Ecclesiastes.

Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest.

Ecclesiastes 11:4 NLT

If you wait for everything to be perfect, you will never start. If you wait for the finances to come in, for the support of others, for the perfect product or manuscript, you won’t ever get started. So push all that away and start. Don’t come to the end of your life and look back with regret simply because you were too fearful to do what God put in your heart to do.

More Encouragement

For more encouragement, check my post Don’t Give Up on the Dream God has Given You. A great book on this topic is Soar by T. D. Jakes.

Waiting for the Promotion and Not Giving Up on Your Dreams

God’s Plan of Promotion

God’s plan of promotion is so different than ours. Often, God’s promotion can be summed up in one word…TIME. Whereas, we want the raise, the huge platform, the fame, and the income now.

Your dreams may look like they are never going to come true. You may feel like this thing God has called you to is just not working out, and you may begin to doubt yourself and doubt what you thought God wanted you to do. Feeling like a failure because this is not how you saw your life going, you begin to doubt yourself and question God’s purpose for your life.

Don’t Give Up

When those doubts come, don’t jump ship. Don’t give up on the dream God has given you. His plan is completely different than yours. We see the here and now; God sees eternity. He can do far more than we could ever even imagine or ask for in our wildest dreams.

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

Ephesians 3:20 NLT

David’s Promotion

David was a nobody until God made him a somebody. He simply fulfilled his duty. He showed up every day to fulfill the task he’d been given. It wasn’t glamorous, and it wasn’t fun. Yet because he was faithful in the small things, when the time was right, God pulled him into the big leagues.

Then he chose David, his servant,
    handpicked him from his work in the sheep pens.
One day he was caring for the ewes and their lambs,
    the next day God had him shepherding Jacob,
    his people Israel, his prize possession.
His good heart made him a good shepherd;
    he guided the people wisely and well.

Psalm 78:70-72

David had no idea when he got up early to go tend sheep that his life was going to change forever that day.

Show Up Today

How do we get God to use us? It’s simple. Choose to show up today to whatever it is God has for you.

Too many of us are guilty of searching for our own significance. We try to find the perfect job, create an amazing platform, and promote ourselves until we’re blue in the face. What if instead, we chose to just show up and fulfill the roles we’ve already been given and wait for God to promote us.

But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

Psalm 75:7 KJV

Fear-of-God is a school in skilled living—
    first you learn humility, then you experience glory.

Proverbs 15:33 MSG

God decides when it’s time for us to enter the limelight. It’s his job to promote us in his timing. So if you’re stressing today, take a deep breath. Get back to the basics. Do what you need to do today to move forward. Take the next step, and leave the rest up to God. Don’t spend all your energy trying to promote yourself. Do what needs to be done today. Work hard; then leave the rest in God’s capable hands.

Created to Do More

Looking for books that inspire you to do something more with your life? Check out Called to Create: A Biblical Invitation to Create, Innovate, and Risk by Jordan Raynor, Soar: Build Your Vision from the Ground Up by T. D. Jakes, and Money-Making Mom: How Every Woman Can Earn More and Make a Difference by Crystal Paine. These books are all favorites of mine!

Also, check out my post Stop Praying and Take a Step of Faith.

A New Year! 3 Steps to Take to Have Your Best Year Yet!

365 New Mornings

It’s a beautiful new year. There’s something about the beauty of a new year. It’s empty and full of so many possibilities. Because my passion is mornings, I see 365 mornings stretched out before me. I see 365 new mornings and new mercies.

It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22,23 KJV

God’s compassion starts fresh every morning. He gives us a fresh supply of mercy and compassion each morning. That’s the most encouraging thought as we face a brand new year.

Facing this New Year with Confidence

While everybody around us may face this new year with fear, trepidation, and uncertainty, we can step into this year with confidence in a God who has not forsaken us, in a God who gives us a clean slate every day.

Just as we can be sure that the sun will rise every day this year, we can be equally sure that God will walk alongside us every day in this new year.

If you want this year to be better than any other year so far, I believe it begins with three simple steps. If you want to have the best year yet, start with these three steps.

1. Write Down Your Goals and Dreams for this Year

You May Say I'm a Dreamer Journal
My Dream Journal

If you want to accomplish something great, it starts with writing it down. Take the time in these first few days of the new year to write down all the dreams you have for this year and what you want to accomplish.

open journal with the words 2021 goals and dreams written
Inside my Dream Journal before I wrote down my goals for the year

If you don’t write it down, you probably won’t accomplish it. Every year, I take the time to write down what I want to accomplish. Those goals range from books I want to write, projects I want to complete, vacations I want to take, places I want to visit, things I want to do, goals personally, and more.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

Tony Robbins

“People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.”

Brian Tracy

2. Get Up Early

If you want to accomplish great things for God this year, it starts with getting up earlier. When Matt and got really serious about our mornings and got up earlier than we ever had before and started doing it on a consistent basis, our creativity and productivity grew in leaps and bounds.

If you want to find extra time in your day to begin to accomplish your dreams, I believe it can be found in getting up earlier and starting your day with God, then moving on to what He has for you for the day. There’s so many wasted hours waiting to be claimed in the early morning hours.

“The difference between rising at five and seven o’clock in the morning, for 40 years, supposed a man to go to bed at the same hour at night, is nearly equivalent to the addition of ten years to a man’s life.”

Philip Doddridge

3. Develop a Morning Time Routine

After you set goals and determine to get up earlier, the third step is to develop a consistent morning time routine. This is the routine you do every morning that sets you up for success for the rest of your day. My morning time routine starts with making a cup of coffee and lighting a candle. Then I begin my time with God. Reading my Bible, journaling, and doing my prayer time. For more details about my morning time routine, read Creating a Morning Time Routine You Love.

Matt and I have created a system we call 30 to THRIVE. It consists of reading your Bible or doing a devotional for 10 minutes, journaling for ten minutes, and reading a book for ten minutes. You can find out more at Manney Resources where you can download a free Morning Time Guide to help you get started on your journey,

Matt and I believe that if you can change your morning, you can grow your faith and change your life, and you do that best by developing a morning time routine.


2021 can be your best year yet! Start with writing down your goals for the year, then figure out how to get up earlier consistently. Lastly, implement a morning time routine and see if that doesn’t make this year your best one yet!

Release What’s Holding You Back?

balloons released into the sky
Photo credit: Thomas Peham

I got my first one-star review on one of my books this past week. It was on Goodreads. Thankfully, there were no words with it, just the rating. In the past, that would have crippled me from moving forward. It did bring me down for a little bit, but then I remembered that it doesn’t matter in the long run.

The key to keeping your fears and shortcomings from holding you back from accomplishing what God wants you to do is to turn those shortcomings over to God. Paul understood something about this.

A Shortcoming to Stay Humble

Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! II Corinthians 12:7 MSG

God gave Paul the gift of having an incredible vision of what Heaven was like. It would have been easy for Paul to get a big head and preach about his vision rather than about Jesus. Paul tells us that God gave Him a handicap to keep that from happening.

We’re not sure what that handicap was exactly. We just know that Paul said it kept him constantly aware of his limitations and his dependence on God.

Removing the handicap

At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me, My grace is enough; it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. II Corinthians 12:8,9 MSG

Paul says he didn’t see the handicap as a gift at first. He prayed three times, asking God to take away his handicap. God chooses not to and instead gives him words of encouragement. God tells him, “I’ll give you grace and my strength to endure.” God tells him that His strength works best in weakness. Listen to Paul’s response.

Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become. II Corinthians 12:10 MSG

Somehow, Paul found a way to appreciate the shortcoming God had given him. He began to see that his handicap consistently threw him at the feet of Jesus. Then Jesus would give him the strength to accomplish his mission.

What Holds Me Back?

What kept me back for the longest time was two things- my perfectionism and fear of people’s opinions. Let’s just say, being an author and a blogger is the perfect culmination of those two fears! The hardest thing I do each week is click publish on my blog post and push send on my email blast.

A book that I highly recommend if you struggle with pleasing people is Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen.

I can either let those fears and struggles stop me from moving forward to do what I know God wants me to do, or I can pray and ask God for the words to say and the courage to be able to say it.

Then I push publish and put my post out there. I upload my book to Amazon and surrender the outcome to God.

What’s Holding You Back?

Do you have something that you struggle with and it’s been holding you back over the years? Could it be that the very thing you think is holding you back is the ticket to you moving forward? God is simply waiting for you to release that weakness to Him, so His strength can fill you.

What are the common things that keep us back from feeling like we can be useful to God? The following comes to mind: other people’s opinions, our weight, finances, our looks, personality, a disability, a child with special needs, mental health, instability, anger, our job, feeling unlovable. There are so many things that keep us back from believing God can use us.

Change How You See Your Shortcomings

Maybe it’s time to start seeing that thing that is holding you back as a blessing. That weakness or thing you don’t like about yourself is the very reason that you will continually return to God for His strength and help. Then, filled with God’s strength and power, you can move forward to accomplish what He has for you.

It’s time to release that attitude, thought, fear, or shortcoming. You’ve spent too many years compensating for it and trying in your own strength to make it work. It’s time to see that handicap as a blessing. Let it drive you to your knees. Once you’re there, call out to God for his help and strength. Then rise up and get busy doing what you know God wants you to do.

Start that Dream

Go start that business. Write that book you’ve been pondering for years. Turn that hobby into a business. Start that degree. Sign up for the art class. Set up a shop and begin selling on Etsy. Start a blog. Find a way to get that nonprofit going. Get started with your podcast. Start freelance writing. Get your first customers for your photography business. Stop letting your fears and shortcomings hold you back. Release it and move forward! For more ideas and inspiration, read Start Pursuing Your Dream and Dreaming Big Dreams.

Dreaming Big Dreams

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

There is a dreamer inside every one of us; that is because we are created in the image of our Creator. He is a Creator, and each of us have that in our DNA– the desire to create, design. I have heard it said that we never more like God, our Creator than when we are creating something. God gives each of us the ability to dream big dreams of what He could accomplish in and through us.

For me, I have dreamed of having a lasting impact on Christian women. I dreamed of this blog for several years before I actually launched it. I also dream of writing Bible studies, creating beautiful journals and much more to help women on their journey of faith.

So what about you? What is your hidden dream? Has God placed something on your heart? Something so hidden that you have never acted on it or even told anyone about it. God has something for every one of His children to do. How do I know this? Because you are still here; I am still here. If God didn’t have a plan for us, something He more He wants us to accomplish, we would be in Heaven with Him. So because we are still here, we can understand that God has something He wants each of us to do.

When was the last time you dreamed? As a little girl? Has life gone far different from those dreams? Have you given up on those dreams? It is never too late to dream, to accomplish something great for God. It just starts with dreaming and asking God what He would have you to do, then stepping out in faith and doing it. Is it a book that you have always wanted to write? Did God put the burden in your heart and the knowledge and experience to back it up; yet you’ve never acted on it? Has He wanted you start a blog to encourage single moms, moms of special needs children, ministry wives, single women, those struggling with addictions, military wives? Has He wanted you to start a ladies’ Bible study with some of the women in your neighborhood or women from your church? Has He put it in your heart to start a business, a new career, a non-profit organization? Has He gifted you with the ability to create a new product to help others, a new treatment, technique?

Getting Started

If He has put a burden and desire in your heart to do something, here are a few simple steps to get started.

  1. Pray specifically about your dream.
  2. Tell someone about it.
  3. Write down all the steps that it would take to accomplish your dream.
  4. Do step one and keep going until that dream is a reality.

You may say, I want to do something great, but I have no idea what. Here are a few steps to get you pointed in the right direction.

  1. Pray for God to give you a dream bigger than yourself.
  2. Write down all the ways that God has naturally gifted you with talents and abilities or the abilities you have honed over the years.
  3. Write down the things that you get passionate about– the things you could talk about for hours and not get tired of.
  4. Write down what you love to do with your free time.
  5. Read The Fringe Hours by Jessica Turner. This is a great book to work through that will help you discover your passions and dreams.
  6. Ask those who are closes to you what your gifts and abilities are.

Start dreaming big. What could God do through you? I promise you, He has something amazing for you. Find it and own it!




